The Belchertown United Church of Christ
Revised 2010
Section 1 Name
The church shall be called The Belchertown United Church of Christ (BUCC). It was organized in 1737 as The Congregational Church in Belchertown, was incorporated on March 16, 1891, and became part of the United Church of Christ in 1961.
Section 2 Mission Statement
We resolve to be a church that seeks to: Identify, Equip, Encourage and Evaluate Christian Discipleship, Anytime, Anywhere, by Anyone, for the purpose of nurturing an individual’s gifts and visions, thereby strengthening and glorifying the Body of Christ as it realizes itself in the world.
Section 3 Organization
This church shall be a part of the United Church of Christ and it shall sustain that relationship described in those portions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the United Church of Christ, adopted July 1961, relating to local churches.
This church shall be a member of the Hampshire Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ.
The government of this church is vested in its members, who exercise the right of control in its entire affairs subject, however, to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Article II BY-LAWS
Section 1 Membership
(A) Definition
(1) Membership in this church shall be open to any person who has been baptized, has been confirmed, or has made public confession of faith in God as made known through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; in accordance with our Faith and Covenant which binds into a unity "faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races, sexual orientation, economic ability, marital status, mental, physical, emotional ability".
(2) Membership is open to all who are in sympathy with our purpose, faith, and covenant.
(B) Admission
(1) Requests for membership shall be submitted to any member of the Church Council.
(2) Individuals shall be publicly received into membership at any regular service of the Church according to the form adopted by the Church.
(C) Oath
Members shall pledge themselves to attend the regular worship of the Church and the celebration of the Lord's Supper, to live the Christian life, to share in the life and work of the Church, to contribute to its support and benevolences, and to seek diligently the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community.
(D) Voting
All active members shall have the right to vote on all matters.
(E) Activity
Such members as the above, and, only such, may hold office and may act and vote in the transaction of the church business.
(F) Withdrawal
(1) Transfer—Any member who transfers to another church, upon request in writing, is entitled to receive a letter of transfer. The Clerk shall forward such letters of transfer.
(2) Request for withdrawal of membership other than for reason of transfer, such as resignation, shall be reported to the Church Council for consideration and decision.
(3) Inactivity—Members, who, for a period of two years, have not communicated with the Church or supported its ministry, may be transferred to the inactive list according to the form adopted by the Church.
a. From the date of such transfer, such persons shall cease to be reported on the active membership roll.
b. An inactive member may be restored to the active roll according to the form adopted by the Church.
(4) The Clerk shall include in the Annual Report the names of all members withdrawn during the year.
Section 2 Congregational Power (The Voters’ Assembly)
(A) Authority/Power
(1) The congregation as a body, through the Voters’ Assembly, shall have the authority to administer and manage all of the congregation’s external and internal affairs.
(2) The congregation, however, shall not be empowered to decide anything contrary to the purpose of the church as stated in Article II of the Constitution and any addendums to the by-laws. Other matters shall be decided by a simple majority of the voting members in attendance at a Voters’ Assembly meeting unless otherwise specified by this constitution or by-laws.
(B) Right of Calling
The right of calling pastors and other called workers shall be vested in the Voters’ Assembly and shall not be delegated to a smaller body or an individual.
(C) Creation of Church Council
(1) The Voters’ Assembly shall create a Church Council for the express purpose of conducting church business as described herein.
a. The Church Council shall partly consist of the following officers: Moderator, Associate Moderator, Clerk, and Treasurer.
b. The Voters’ Assembly shall also elect a minimum of three (3) other voting members to the Church Council.
c. The Senior Pastor shall be a non-voting member of the Church Council.
(2) The elected members including the four (4) officers and the Senior Pastor shall comprise the complete Church Council.
(D) Approval of Certain Church Council Actions
The Church Council shall obtain prior approval of the Voters’ Assembly on the following actions/items:
(1) Annual Financial Operating Plan
(2) Acquisition or disposal of any single asset or liability that exceeds 2% of the annual operating budget
(3) Calling or removal of called staff
(4) Division or Dissolution of the congregation
a. Division within the congregation—If, at any time, a separation shall take place within the congregation, the advice of the officers of the denomination shall be sought. If, despite all efforts to resolve differences in peace and love, a division into factions of the congregation shall occur, the property of the congregation and all benefits connected shall remain with the majority.
b. Dissolution of the congregation—If the congregation is dissolved, after settling all debts, the remaining assets shall be transferred to MACUCC.
(E) Removal from Office
(1) Any pastor, other called worker, officer or Church Council member, who fails to perform the duties of confirmed members as stated in Art. II, Sec. 1, Par. (C)—Oath, or is unable to fulfill or is willfully neglectful in the performance of his/her official duties, may be removed from office in Christian and lawful order by the Voters’ Assembly.
(2) Such action shall be initiated through a member of the Church Council.
(F) Voters’ Assembly Meetings
(1) The Voters’ Assembly shall meet at least annually during the month of February, or at such other date as may be determined, on a day and hour specified by the Church Council.
a. The annual meeting shall be publicized at least two weeks in advance.
b. The notice shall contain an agenda of items to be considered.
(2) The Voters’ Assembly may meet at other times of the year subject to a call by the Church Council, or at the request of any twelve (12) voting members.
a. Notice of any such special meeting shall be publicized as far in advance as possible but no less than one week in advance.
b. The notice shall contain an agenda of items to be considered.
(3) No agenda items may be added once notification of any meeting is publicized.
(4) The Moderator, Associate Moderator, or their designated Church Council member shall preside at all Voters’ Assembly meetings.
(5) A quorum of twenty-five (25) of the voting membership must be present to conduct the business of the Voters’ Assembly.
Section 3 Church Council
(A) Powers
(1) The Church Council shall have the power to develop and implement those policies and procedures as required to execute the plans approved by the Voters’ Assembly. Written policies and procedures shall be available to voting members upon request.
(2) The Church Council shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them by the constitution, its by-laws or by the Voters’ Assembly, and powers delegated to them may at any time be altered or revoked by the Voters’ Assembly.
(B) Duties of Church Council Members
(1) The Church Council shall assist the Pastor(s) in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the congregation.
(2) The Church Council shall monitor the welfare of the Pastor(s), called and administration staff. The Church Council shall supervise the Senior Pastor and ensure proper supervision of the staff. Such supervision shall enable the staff to develop and implement new strategies and programs to accomplish the mission as stated in Article I of the Constitution.
(3) The Church Council shall transact or supervise the transaction of all legal and general business of the congregation.
(4) The Church Council shall conduct business within the limitations of the annual operating plan approved by the Voters’ Assembly.
(5) The Church Council shall annually report to the Voters’ Assembly on the organizational and financial condition of the congregation. It shall also recommend an annual financial operating plan at the annual Voters’ Assembly meeting.
(6) The Church Council may authorize the hiring of non-called staff as approved in the annual budget or by the Voters’ Assembly.
(C) Meetings
(1) The Church Council shall meet at least quarterly and may be called more frequently at the request of the Moderator or any three Church Council members.
(2) Five (5) voting members of the Church Council shall constitute a quorum for any meeting.
(3) Minutes of each meeting shall be kept in typed form. The minutes shall fully disclose all actions taken and be signed by the Moderator and Clerk. Minutes of the meetings shall be available to voting members upon request.
(D) Elections and Terms of Office
(1) The Voters’ Assembly shall elect the members of the Church Council from the slate of candidates drafted by the Nominating Committee. All nominees shall be voting members.
(2) In addition to the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates, any voting member may nominate another voting member for Church Council positions. Such nominations shall be called for in the annual Voters’ Assembly meeting prior to the time that nominations are closed.
(3) Every term of office shall begin on the day following the election. The term of office shall be for a maximum of two years, with approximately one half of the Church Council being elected each year. Church Council members, except the pastor, shall serve no more than three full successive terms.
(4) In the event of a vacancy on the Church Council, the Nominating Committee shall provide the Moderator with a list of candidates. Appointments to fill unexpired terms will be made from such list and must be ratified by a majority vote of the Church Council. The individual shall serve until the next election for that particular position.
(E) Officers
(1) Immediately following the election of the new Church Council members, the Voters’ Assembly shall elect the officers—a Moderator, Associate Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer—from the members of the Church Council.
(2) The officers of the congregation shall also serve as the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will obtain its power and authority for action at the express designation of the full Church Council.
(3) Specific Duties of Officers
a. Moderator
i. Preside at all meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and the Church Council.
ii. Establish any necessary committees with guidance from the BUCC Book of Ministries.
iii. Serve as a non-voting member of all committees.
iv. Sign all legal documents, with another member of the Church Council, on behalf of the congregation.
v. Enforce the constitution and bylaws and perform the general duties as are common for the office, including such additional duties as may be directed by the Voters’ Assembly from time to time.
b. Associate Moderator
i. Perform all duties of the Moderator in the latter’s absence and such other additional duties which may be directed by the Voters’ Assembly or by the Moderator from time to time.
ii. Chair and appoint a Nominating Committee with the advice and consent of the Church Council. (Art II, Sec. 3, Par. (F)).
c. Clerk
i. Keep and preserve accurate records of all Voters’ Assembly meetings, and handling such correspondence as the congregation may require.
ii. May be a signer of all legal documents, with a Moderator, on behalf of the congregation.
iii. Keep minutes of all Church Council meetings.
d. Treasurer
i. Keep and preserve the accurate records of all receipts and disbursements, and submit a written report of them at all regular meetings of the Voters’ Assembly.
ii. Provide financial update at Church Council meetings, and as needed.
iii. Pay all regular and fixed expenses on order of the Voters’ Assembly.
iv. May be a signer of all legal documents, with a Moderator, on behalf of the congregation.
(F) Nominating Committee
(1) The Associate Moderator shall annually appoint and chair a Nominating Committee whose responsibility will be to develop a slate of officers and Church Council members to be elected each year to fill the vacancies created by expired terms of officers and Church Council members.
(2) The committee shall contain a majority of non-Church Council members, shall function for one year only, and shall report their nominations to the Voters’ Assembly annual meeting. The Senior Pastor shall be a non-voting member of the Nominating Committee.
Section 4 Amendments
Procedure to Amend Constitution and By-Laws
• A copy of the proposed amendment shall be mailed to all voting members at least two (2) weeks prior to a Voters’ Assembly meeting.
• At this meeting the vote shall be taken on the amendment and two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present shall secure adoption.
APPENDIX I—COVENANT (Revised from: Salem Church Covenant, 1629)
Firm in our faith we covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ and with one another, to bind ourselves in the presence of God to walk together in His Holy ways, made known and to be made known to us. We will strive to be doers of the Word and not bearers only, to be firm in faith, quickened in hope and constant in charity. We will consecrate our time, talent, substance and influence as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. We dedicate ourselves to His unfinished work. Amen.
APPENDIX II—CONFESSION OF FAITH (Revised from: Kansas City Statement of Faith, 1913)
This church believes in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, goodness and love. It acknowledges as its sole head, Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord and Savior, who, for us and for our salvation, lived and died, and rose again, and lives forevermore. It believes in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to further its creative and redemptive work in the world. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures as the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice. It acknowledges as brothers in Christ all who share in this confession.
APPENDIX III—STATEMENT OF FAITH (From United Church of Christ, revised 1981)
We believe in you, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior, Jesus Christ and our God, and to your deeds we testify:
You call the worlds into being, create persons in your own image and set before each one the ways of life and death.
You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
You judge people and nations by your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, you have come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to yourself.
You bestow upon us your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues and races.
You call us into your church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ's baptism and eat at his table, to join him in his passion and victory.
You promise to all who trust you forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace; your presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in your realm which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto you. Amen.
Whereas we have been created in love by our loving God: (Genesis 1: 27-28a)
Whereas in our baptism into Jesus Christ each individual is blessed for his/her unique gifts; (1 Corinthians 12: 18-20, Acts 2)
Whereas the Holy Spirit has given to each person gifts which can be put to serving God and glorifying God through Jesus Christ; (1 Corinthians 12: 4 -11)
Whereas God has called people to live together in community so as to be witnesses to God’s glory in the world; (Matthew 28: 18-29)
Whereas the Apostle Paul called such gathered people “the Body of Christ”; (1 Corinthians 12: 27)
Whereas that Body is described as being maintained by the healthy nurturing of each of its parts working in harmony (1 Corinthians 12:24-26, 28-31)
Whereas that Body is called to grow and mature to the fullness of stature in Jesus Christ; (Ephesians 4: 11-16)
Whereas growth occurs spiritually, physically, emotionally and psychologically through participating in the life of the Body of Christ;
Therefore, we resolve to be a church that seeks to: Identify, Equip, Encourage and Evaluate Christian Discipleship, Anytime, Anywhere, by Anyone, for the purpose of nurturing an individual’s gifts and visions, thereby strengthening and glorifying the Body of Christ as it realizes itself in the world.
In all things, we will pray to God for guidance.
We will strive to be a church that seeks unity and acceptance of all people, respectful and tolerant in all our interactions, supportive of one another in addressing difficult situations, valuing the thoughts and ideas of others, though we may not agree.
Open to considering change, we will listen in a caring way for understanding, without interruptions, criticisms or put-downs.
With open minds, seeking to understand the other side of an issue, with awareness of our body language, we will speak the truth with love.
Seeking to discover all the facts before we speak, refraining from threats, harsh gestures and yelling; we will create safe, constructive and regular opportunities to share thoughts, ideas and opinions; striving for fairness, honoring the need to respect confidentiality, looking for occasions to talk face-to-face, taking turns expressing our thoughts.
If we aren’t able to communicate with each other, we will ask another non-judgmental person to be present.
Whereas we have been created in love by our loving God; (Genesis 1: 27-28a)
Whereas in our baptism into Jesus Christ each individual is initiated without prejudice into a life changing and Spirit filled life lived in community, wherein the individual can dedicate him/herself to growing in faith, experience the nurture of Christian fellowship, regularly break bread, and engage in communal acts of prayer; (Acts 2: 14-47)
Whereas in the sacrament of Communion members of the Body of Christ are called into a new relationship/new covenant between God and humankind;
Whereas that new covenant transcends cultural expectations or norms and offers the Christian community a glimpse of God's nurturing and salvific love for all people;
Whereas John records Jesus as praying at his Last Supper with the disciples, "that they may all be one" (John 17:21);
Whereas this congregation has recognized by vote at its 2000 annual meeting, in a Statement of Intentional Ministry, the importance of nurturing Christian discipleship in all people by resolving to: be a church that seeks to: Identify, Equip, Encourage, and Evaluate Christian Discipleship, Anytime, Anywhere, by anyone, for the purpose of nurturing an individual's gifts and visions, thereby strengthening and glorifying the Body of Christ as it realizes itself in the world;
Whereas this congregation has had open discussion with regard to welcoming and ministering with people who have been historically ostracized from the wider body of Christian fellowship (in particular but not exclusively): people of color; people who are gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, or transgender; people who are economically challenged; people of varying marital status; people of varying nationalities; people of varying ages; people who are living with mental, emotional, and/or physical abilities other than what is considered "normal" by our culture;
Whereas we recognize that "silence" in words and deeds can lead to spiritual dis-ease and unrest, disenfranchisement and even death;
Whereas this congregation has considered in prayer and study the importance of welcoming all of God's children to the table of reconciliation and healing;
Whereas this congregation is about building up the Body of Christ as it seeks to glorify God in the world;
Therefore, we do now declare this body of Christ, The Belchertown United Church of Christ, to be Open and Affirming of all people wishing to grow and mature in the Christian faith. We understand this to mean that we will seek to be welcoming in both word and deed to the delightful diversity of peoples whom God has given us to minister with in Jesus' name including: people of all colors; people who are gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, or transgender; people who are economically challenged; people of all marital status; people of all nationalities; people of all ages; people who are living with mental, emotional, and/or physical abilities other than what is considered "normal" by our culture; we welcome all people to grow in Christian discipleship by using the gifts which the Spirit provides to participate fully in the ministries of this church.
The Belchertown United Church of Christ
Revised 2010
Section 1 Name
The church shall be called The Belchertown United Church of Christ (BUCC). It was organized in 1737 as The Congregational Church in Belchertown, was incorporated on March 16, 1891, and became part of the United Church of Christ in 1961.
Section 2 Mission Statement
We resolve to be a church that seeks to: Identify, Equip, Encourage and Evaluate Christian Discipleship, Anytime, Anywhere, by Anyone, for the purpose of nurturing an individual’s gifts and visions, thereby strengthening and glorifying the Body of Christ as it realizes itself in the world.
Section 3 Organization
This church shall be a part of the United Church of Christ and it shall sustain that relationship described in those portions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the United Church of Christ, adopted July 1961, relating to local churches.
This church shall be a member of the Hampshire Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ.
The government of this church is vested in its members, who exercise the right of control in its entire affairs subject, however, to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Article II BY-LAWS
Section 1 Membership
(A) Definition
(1) Membership in this church shall be open to any person who has been baptized, has been confirmed, or has made public confession of faith in God as made known through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; in accordance with our Faith and Covenant which binds into a unity "faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races, sexual orientation, economic ability, marital status, mental, physical, emotional ability".
(2) Membership is open to all who are in sympathy with our purpose, faith, and covenant.
(B) Admission
(1) Requests for membership shall be submitted to any member of the Church Council.
(2) Individuals shall be publicly received into membership at any regular service of the Church according to the form adopted by the Church.
(C) Oath
Members shall pledge themselves to attend the regular worship of the Church and the celebration of the Lord's Supper, to live the Christian life, to share in the life and work of the Church, to contribute to its support and benevolences, and to seek diligently the spiritual welfare of the membership and the community.
(D) Voting
All active members shall have the right to vote on all matters.
(E) Activity
Such members as the above, and, only such, may hold office and may act and vote in the transaction of the church business.
(F) Withdrawal
(1) Transfer—Any member who transfers to another church, upon request in writing, is entitled to receive a letter of transfer. The Clerk shall forward such letters of transfer.
(2) Request for withdrawal of membership other than for reason of transfer, such as resignation, shall be reported to the Church Council for consideration and decision.
(3) Inactivity—Members, who, for a period of two years, have not communicated with the Church or supported its ministry, may be transferred to the inactive list according to the form adopted by the Church.
a. From the date of such transfer, such persons shall cease to be reported on the active membership roll.
b. An inactive member may be restored to the active roll according to the form adopted by the Church.
(4) The Clerk shall include in the Annual Report the names of all members withdrawn during the year.
Section 2 Congregational Power (The Voters’ Assembly)
(A) Authority/Power
(1) The congregation as a body, through the Voters’ Assembly, shall have the authority to administer and manage all of the congregation’s external and internal affairs.
(2) The congregation, however, shall not be empowered to decide anything contrary to the purpose of the church as stated in Article II of the Constitution and any addendums to the by-laws. Other matters shall be decided by a simple majority of the voting members in attendance at a Voters’ Assembly meeting unless otherwise specified by this constitution or by-laws.
(B) Right of Calling
The right of calling pastors and other called workers shall be vested in the Voters’ Assembly and shall not be delegated to a smaller body or an individual.
(C) Creation of Church Council
(1) The Voters’ Assembly shall create a Church Council for the express purpose of conducting church business as described herein.
a. The Church Council shall partly consist of the following officers: Moderator, Associate Moderator, Clerk, and Treasurer.
b. The Voters’ Assembly shall also elect a minimum of three (3) other voting members to the Church Council.
c. The Senior Pastor shall be a non-voting member of the Church Council.
(2) The elected members including the four (4) officers and the Senior Pastor shall comprise the complete Church Council.
(D) Approval of Certain Church Council Actions
The Church Council shall obtain prior approval of the Voters’ Assembly on the following actions/items:
(1) Annual Financial Operating Plan
(2) Acquisition or disposal of any single asset or liability that exceeds 2% of the annual operating budget
(3) Calling or removal of called staff
(4) Division or Dissolution of the congregation
a. Division within the congregation—If, at any time, a separation shall take place within the congregation, the advice of the officers of the denomination shall be sought. If, despite all efforts to resolve differences in peace and love, a division into factions of the congregation shall occur, the property of the congregation and all benefits connected shall remain with the majority.
b. Dissolution of the congregation—If the congregation is dissolved, after settling all debts, the remaining assets shall be transferred to MACUCC.
(E) Removal from Office
(1) Any pastor, other called worker, officer or Church Council member, who fails to perform the duties of confirmed members as stated in Art. II, Sec. 1, Par. (C)—Oath, or is unable to fulfill or is willfully neglectful in the performance of his/her official duties, may be removed from office in Christian and lawful order by the Voters’ Assembly.
(2) Such action shall be initiated through a member of the Church Council.
(F) Voters’ Assembly Meetings
(1) The Voters’ Assembly shall meet at least annually during the month of February, or at such other date as may be determined, on a day and hour specified by the Church Council.
a. The annual meeting shall be publicized at least two weeks in advance.
b. The notice shall contain an agenda of items to be considered.
(2) The Voters’ Assembly may meet at other times of the year subject to a call by the Church Council, or at the request of any twelve (12) voting members.
a. Notice of any such special meeting shall be publicized as far in advance as possible but no less than one week in advance.
b. The notice shall contain an agenda of items to be considered.
(3) No agenda items may be added once notification of any meeting is publicized.
(4) The Moderator, Associate Moderator, or their designated Church Council member shall preside at all Voters’ Assembly meetings.
(5) A quorum of twenty-five (25) of the voting membership must be present to conduct the business of the Voters’ Assembly.
Section 3 Church Council
(A) Powers
(1) The Church Council shall have the power to develop and implement those policies and procedures as required to execute the plans approved by the Voters’ Assembly. Written policies and procedures shall be available to voting members upon request.
(2) The Church Council shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them by the constitution, its by-laws or by the Voters’ Assembly, and powers delegated to them may at any time be altered or revoked by the Voters’ Assembly.
(B) Duties of Church Council Members
(1) The Church Council shall assist the Pastor(s) in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the congregation.
(2) The Church Council shall monitor the welfare of the Pastor(s), called and administration staff. The Church Council shall supervise the Senior Pastor and ensure proper supervision of the staff. Such supervision shall enable the staff to develop and implement new strategies and programs to accomplish the mission as stated in Article I of the Constitution.
(3) The Church Council shall transact or supervise the transaction of all legal and general business of the congregation.
(4) The Church Council shall conduct business within the limitations of the annual operating plan approved by the Voters’ Assembly.
(5) The Church Council shall annually report to the Voters’ Assembly on the organizational and financial condition of the congregation. It shall also recommend an annual financial operating plan at the annual Voters’ Assembly meeting.
(6) The Church Council may authorize the hiring of non-called staff as approved in the annual budget or by the Voters’ Assembly.
(C) Meetings
(1) The Church Council shall meet at least quarterly and may be called more frequently at the request of the Moderator or any three Church Council members.
(2) Five (5) voting members of the Church Council shall constitute a quorum for any meeting.
(3) Minutes of each meeting shall be kept in typed form. The minutes shall fully disclose all actions taken and be signed by the Moderator and Clerk. Minutes of the meetings shall be available to voting members upon request.
(D) Elections and Terms of Office
(1) The Voters’ Assembly shall elect the members of the Church Council from the slate of candidates drafted by the Nominating Committee. All nominees shall be voting members.
(2) In addition to the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates, any voting member may nominate another voting member for Church Council positions. Such nominations shall be called for in the annual Voters’ Assembly meeting prior to the time that nominations are closed.
(3) Every term of office shall begin on the day following the election. The term of office shall be for a maximum of two years, with approximately one half of the Church Council being elected each year. Church Council members, except the pastor, shall serve no more than three full successive terms.
(4) In the event of a vacancy on the Church Council, the Nominating Committee shall provide the Moderator with a list of candidates. Appointments to fill unexpired terms will be made from such list and must be ratified by a majority vote of the Church Council. The individual shall serve until the next election for that particular position.
(E) Officers
(1) Immediately following the election of the new Church Council members, the Voters’ Assembly shall elect the officers—a Moderator, Associate Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer—from the members of the Church Council.
(2) The officers of the congregation shall also serve as the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will obtain its power and authority for action at the express designation of the full Church Council.
(3) Specific Duties of Officers
a. Moderator
i. Preside at all meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and the Church Council.
ii. Establish any necessary committees with guidance from the BUCC Book of Ministries.
iii. Serve as a non-voting member of all committees.
iv. Sign all legal documents, with another member of the Church Council, on behalf of the congregation.
v. Enforce the constitution and bylaws and perform the general duties as are common for the office, including such additional duties as may be directed by the Voters’ Assembly from time to time.
b. Associate Moderator
i. Perform all duties of the Moderator in the latter’s absence and such other additional duties which may be directed by the Voters’ Assembly or by the Moderator from time to time.
ii. Chair and appoint a Nominating Committee with the advice and consent of the Church Council. (Art II, Sec. 3, Par. (F)).
c. Clerk
i. Keep and preserve accurate records of all Voters’ Assembly meetings, and handling such correspondence as the congregation may require.
ii. May be a signer of all legal documents, with a Moderator, on behalf of the congregation.
iii. Keep minutes of all Church Council meetings.
d. Treasurer
i. Keep and preserve the accurate records of all receipts and disbursements, and submit a written report of them at all regular meetings of the Voters’ Assembly.
ii. Provide financial update at Church Council meetings, and as needed.
iii. Pay all regular and fixed expenses on order of the Voters’ Assembly.
iv. May be a signer of all legal documents, with a Moderator, on behalf of the congregation.
(F) Nominating Committee
(1) The Associate Moderator shall annually appoint and chair a Nominating Committee whose responsibility will be to develop a slate of officers and Church Council members to be elected each year to fill the vacancies created by expired terms of officers and Church Council members.
(2) The committee shall contain a majority of non-Church Council members, shall function for one year only, and shall report their nominations to the Voters’ Assembly annual meeting. The Senior Pastor shall be a non-voting member of the Nominating Committee.
Section 4 Amendments
Procedure to Amend Constitution and By-Laws
• A copy of the proposed amendment shall be mailed to all voting members at least two (2) weeks prior to a Voters’ Assembly meeting.
• At this meeting the vote shall be taken on the amendment and two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present shall secure adoption.
APPENDIX I—COVENANT (Revised from: Salem Church Covenant, 1629)
Firm in our faith we covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ and with one another, to bind ourselves in the presence of God to walk together in His Holy ways, made known and to be made known to us. We will strive to be doers of the Word and not bearers only, to be firm in faith, quickened in hope and constant in charity. We will consecrate our time, talent, substance and influence as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. We dedicate ourselves to His unfinished work. Amen.
APPENDIX II—CONFESSION OF FAITH (Revised from: Kansas City Statement of Faith, 1913)
This church believes in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, goodness and love. It acknowledges as its sole head, Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord and Savior, who, for us and for our salvation, lived and died, and rose again, and lives forevermore. It believes in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to further its creative and redemptive work in the world. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures as the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice. It acknowledges as brothers in Christ all who share in this confession.
APPENDIX III—STATEMENT OF FAITH (From United Church of Christ, revised 1981)
We believe in you, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior, Jesus Christ and our God, and to your deeds we testify:
You call the worlds into being, create persons in your own image and set before each one the ways of life and death.
You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
You judge people and nations by your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, you have come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to yourself.
You bestow upon us your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues and races.
You call us into your church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ's baptism and eat at his table, to join him in his passion and victory.
You promise to all who trust you forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace; your presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in your realm which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto you. Amen.
Whereas we have been created in love by our loving God: (Genesis 1: 27-28a)
Whereas in our baptism into Jesus Christ each individual is blessed for his/her unique gifts; (1 Corinthians 12: 18-20, Acts 2)
Whereas the Holy Spirit has given to each person gifts which can be put to serving God and glorifying God through Jesus Christ; (1 Corinthians 12: 4 -11)
Whereas God has called people to live together in community so as to be witnesses to God’s glory in the world; (Matthew 28: 18-29)
Whereas the Apostle Paul called such gathered people “the Body of Christ”; (1 Corinthians 12: 27)
Whereas that Body is described as being maintained by the healthy nurturing of each of its parts working in harmony (1 Corinthians 12:24-26, 28-31)
Whereas that Body is called to grow and mature to the fullness of stature in Jesus Christ; (Ephesians 4: 11-16)
Whereas growth occurs spiritually, physically, emotionally and psychologically through participating in the life of the Body of Christ;
Therefore, we resolve to be a church that seeks to: Identify, Equip, Encourage and Evaluate Christian Discipleship, Anytime, Anywhere, by Anyone, for the purpose of nurturing an individual’s gifts and visions, thereby strengthening and glorifying the Body of Christ as it realizes itself in the world.
In all things, we will pray to God for guidance.
We will strive to be a church that seeks unity and acceptance of all people, respectful and tolerant in all our interactions, supportive of one another in addressing difficult situations, valuing the thoughts and ideas of others, though we may not agree.
Open to considering change, we will listen in a caring way for understanding, without interruptions, criticisms or put-downs.
With open minds, seeking to understand the other side of an issue, with awareness of our body language, we will speak the truth with love.
Seeking to discover all the facts before we speak, refraining from threats, harsh gestures and yelling; we will create safe, constructive and regular opportunities to share thoughts, ideas and opinions; striving for fairness, honoring the need to respect confidentiality, looking for occasions to talk face-to-face, taking turns expressing our thoughts.
If we aren’t able to communicate with each other, we will ask another non-judgmental person to be present.
Whereas we have been created in love by our loving God; (Genesis 1: 27-28a)
Whereas in our baptism into Jesus Christ each individual is initiated without prejudice into a life changing and Spirit filled life lived in community, wherein the individual can dedicate him/herself to growing in faith, experience the nurture of Christian fellowship, regularly break bread, and engage in communal acts of prayer; (Acts 2: 14-47)
Whereas in the sacrament of Communion members of the Body of Christ are called into a new relationship/new covenant between God and humankind;
Whereas that new covenant transcends cultural expectations or norms and offers the Christian community a glimpse of God's nurturing and salvific love for all people;
Whereas John records Jesus as praying at his Last Supper with the disciples, "that they may all be one" (John 17:21);
Whereas this congregation has recognized by vote at its 2000 annual meeting, in a Statement of Intentional Ministry, the importance of nurturing Christian discipleship in all people by resolving to: be a church that seeks to: Identify, Equip, Encourage, and Evaluate Christian Discipleship, Anytime, Anywhere, by anyone, for the purpose of nurturing an individual's gifts and visions, thereby strengthening and glorifying the Body of Christ as it realizes itself in the world;
Whereas this congregation has had open discussion with regard to welcoming and ministering with people who have been historically ostracized from the wider body of Christian fellowship (in particular but not exclusively): people of color; people who are gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, or transgender; people who are economically challenged; people of varying marital status; people of varying nationalities; people of varying ages; people who are living with mental, emotional, and/or physical abilities other than what is considered "normal" by our culture;
Whereas we recognize that "silence" in words and deeds can lead to spiritual dis-ease and unrest, disenfranchisement and even death;
Whereas this congregation has considered in prayer and study the importance of welcoming all of God's children to the table of reconciliation and healing;
Whereas this congregation is about building up the Body of Christ as it seeks to glorify God in the world;
Therefore, we do now declare this body of Christ, The Belchertown United Church of Christ, to be Open and Affirming of all people wishing to grow and mature in the Christian faith. We understand this to mean that we will seek to be welcoming in both word and deed to the delightful diversity of peoples whom God has given us to minister with in Jesus' name including: people of all colors; people who are gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, or transgender; people who are economically challenged; people of all marital status; people of all nationalities; people of all ages; people who are living with mental, emotional, and/or physical abilities other than what is considered "normal" by our culture; we welcome all people to grow in Christian discipleship by using the gifts which the Spirit provides to participate fully in the ministries of this church.